Our Team

Our Founders

Future Academy was co-founded in 2019 by English teacher Chris Watts and Ahmad Al Jamal, a third-generation Palestinian refugee. Their friendship is based on a mutual love of football and a passionate belief that education should be freely available and accessible for all children.

Senior Management Team

Ahmad Al Jamal

Operational Lead (Beirut), Head of Future Football, Safeguarding Lead (Beirut)

Ahmad was the first Palestinian refugee to play professional football in the Lebanese Premier League. As a refugee who used sport and English to change his future, he is uniquely placed to inspire others and to lead Future Academy in Beirut. Ahmad grew up in Burj Barajneh refugee camp; his local knowledge and contacts are integral to our acceptance in the camps and ultimately our success.

Chris Watts

Future English Lead, volunteer teacher, Trustee (Chair)

Chris is an English teacher and writer based in Beirut. His role is multifaceted: curriculum development; assessment & progress lead; mentorship of local teachers;  monitoring the end use of funds; safeguarding; making connections and raising the profile of Future Academy in wider Beirut.

Mahmoud AI Jamal

Field Security & Risk Management Lead (Beirut), Head football coach (Shatila Camp)

Mahmoud is a third generation Palestinian refugee who grew up in Shatila refugee camp. Mahmoud provides high level, real time security briefings, enabling Future Academy to work as safely as possible in a volatile environment.

Jane Watts

Finance and Governance Lead (UK-based), Education Consultant, Safeguarding Lead (UK)

Jane has 35 years' experience in education (mathematics, assessment & progress, SEN). She manages Future Academy's finances and supports curriculum development.

Our Team in Beirut comprises football coaches and teachers recruited from the local refugee community.

Football Coaches

Ahmad Al Jamal
(Future Football Lead)
Salah El Haq
(Head Coach, Burj Barajneh, Community Liaison)
Mahmoud Al Jamal
(Head Coach, Shatila, Community Liaison)
Abed AI Halim
Alaa Yousef
Nidaa Hassan


Chris Watts
(Future English Lead, Volunteer Teacher)
Hamza Ibrahim
(Education Centre Manager, Teacher, Table Tennis Coach)
Rana Shehadi
(Girls’ Lead Teacher, Outreach Lead)
Nada Khalil
(Art & Crafts Lead, Community Liaison)

Our Trustees

Chris Watts (Chair)
Antonia Elliott
Jane Watts
Damien Gabet
James Watts
Nidaa Hassan

Future Academy’s trustees have a wide range of complementary professional skills (journalism, TV production, film/media, conflict resolution, business development and finance); most have spent time in Beirut working alongside our dedicated local team.

As a trustee board, our ongoing personal involvement in Beirut ensures we know where/how all funds are spent and have seen first-hand the impact of our work. Apart from Chris, our team of teachers and football coaches in Beirut are all from the local refugee community. Our operational team is supported by volunteers in the UK and US.

Donate Now

Every £2 provides one child with one football coaching session.

Every £10 will provide one child with 5 literacy or numeracy lessons

Every £25 provides a child with 4 enrichment activities e.g a trip, workshop, sport tournament